voxus from the heart

BTS, digital audio guestbook tips, and wedding planning.

Get the most out of your digital audio guestbook

Published by Anna | Voxu.fm on
voxu page and digital audio guestbook
Hey, nearly-wed!Are you knee-deep in wedding planning? Everyone is likely to be saying this to you, and I know it can be quite pedantic, but there will be one day when you’ll miss the planning stage of it all - and we're here to make sure you remember every crazy, beautiful moment. N... Read More

3 + 1 wedding tips for my 31st Birthday

Published by Anna | Voxu.fm on
illustrated birthday cupcake with flowers
Here's a tip that could save you from some unexpected exposure: try sitting down in your dress during the final appointment with the seamstress. The top might fit like a dream while you're standing, but it could fold in sur... Read More